Business Home Screen

Business Home Screen

The business home screen has been put together to provide a quick overview of a business utilising 6 key areas to do this.

These are broken down into:
1. Key Dates and Deadlines
2. Income & Expenditure
3. Notifications
4. Sales Invoices
5. Outstanding Sales Invoices
6. VAT Information

Key Dates and Deadlines
The first area that you'll find is the Key Dates And Deadlines box. This provides you with upcoming dates and deadlines for the business such as filing and payment deadlines, the business year-end and the deadline for the likes of issuing P60s to employees. This provides you with an overview of any upcoming dates within a quick glance, helping you keep track of any tasks you need to action.

Income & Expenditure
Here you'll see a basic visual of the money-in and money-out shown as a blue and red bar respectively, alongside a total for income, expenditure and income less expenditure. This gives a very quick view of how the cash/bank position is looking, whether you're spending more money than bringing in, or whether the balance is positive and you're building up your balance. You can customise the accounts and period that the information and visual shows by selecting the drop-down options on Accounts and the date range.
There's also a button to View Report which will take you straight to the Income & Expenditure report for the accounts and date range that you have selected.

The notifications section is used to provide you with message and notifications which could include any of the following:
  1. Confirmation of your free trial expiration date
  2. Messages left by the accountant/bookkeeper
  3. Notice of any down-time due to LimeBooks updates or HMRC down-time
  4. Confirmation that your pdf bank statements have processed and are ready for processing
  5. Global messages left by LimeBooks for your information.
Sales Invoices
The default information that you will see on the Sales Invoices box will be the total sales invoices raised in the sales section of LimeBooks for the last 30 days, but this can be changed to any date range that you wish to view, such as the last complete 12 months to keep an eye on whether you're nearing the VAT threshold. 
You can also view the sales invoices report to view all sales invoices raised within the date range that you have selected.

Outstanding Sales Invoices
As you might expect, this box shows the invoices which haven't yet been marked as fully paid as of the date selected in the date range. This gives you a very quick insight into the outstanding invoices that might need to be chased.
To view a more detailed report, you can click the 'view report' button to be taken to the full report.

VAT Information
The VAT information box provides you with an estimated VAT amount. This VAT amount is calculated based on the entries in the cash and bank section of LimeBooks since the last submitted VAT return, again giving you a quick insight into your potential upcoming VAT liability. To see this calculation in detail, you can click on the button Generate Next VAT Return to view and submit the VAT return.

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