Export your sales information

Export your sales information

There are two main ways to export your sales data within LimeBooks: 
1. Export the sales page
2. Export the sales reports

Export the Sales page
To export the information on your sales page follow the steps below:

1) Within the sales section, set the date range to the range you wish to export

2) Click on the 'Export' button (to the left of the 'New Invoice' button)

3) Choose whether you would like the export in a standard Excel format or as a CSV format

4) Your export will now download

Your export will contain the information in the same way that this is presented on the sales page.

Export the Sales reports
To export your sales information from the Reporting page, follow the steps below:

1) Head to the Reporting section

2) Under the Sales Report option, click Generate Sales Report

3) You will see the options Sales Invoices, Credit Notes, Money Received, CIS Suffered and Invoices Outstanding, select the option that you would like to export

4) Choose your date range and click Generate Sales Report

5) You will now be presented with your report, from here you have the flexibility to print this, download an Excel version and filter by customer from this screen.

You can each report from the Reporting page, each of these reports provides you with specific detail as entered on the Sales section.
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