LimeBooks Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Can I use LimeBooks for invoice/accruals basis VAT returns?
A: No, LimeBooks is designed for cash accounting VAT returns, suitable for clients with a turnover up to £1.35million

Q: How do I cancel my subscription?
A: There is no minimum term of use, if you do not wish to use LimeBooks anymore, simply stop using the software. If you don’t post any transactions, there is no charge. You can contact us on to delete your account.

Q: How long does it take to import a statement?
A: This would depend on the number of transactions being imported into the software and whether there are any previous entries in the system, but typically the import and analysis process takes seconds for 200 transactions.

Q: How easy is it to switch to LimeBooks from another software?
A: This is very straight forward, you will simply need to create the bank & cash accounts, then enter the opening balances at the start of the financial year.

Q: Can I raise and track sales invoices through the software?
A: Yes, you can raise sales invoices in the sales section and email these directly to customers or download a copy to your device.

Q: I have raised a sales invoice in the sales section, why isn’t the email button showing?
A: You will need to ensure that there is an email address entered in the customer details section. Head to My Business, View/Edit Customers, then check and amend the customer details.

Q: How many clients can I add onto my agent account?
A: There is no limit to the number of clients that you add.

Q: How many staff members can I add onto my agent account?
A: There is no limit to the number of staff members that you add.

Q: How do I keep track of my billing and how much I am being charged per client?
A: You can see this by clicking on your account in the top right when logged in to LimeBooks.

Q: How will I be billed?
A: You will be billed once per month based on the number of transactions processed in the software for your account.

Q: What is the cost for posting journals and raising sales invoices?
A: There is no charge. Our only charge is for posting cash and bank transactions.

Q: Will LimeBooks be compliant with MTD for income tax self-assessment (ITSA)?
A: Yes, LimeBooks is constantly being worked on in the background in order to ensure the software is up to date and compliant with HMRC’s MTD requirements for VAT and ITSA.

Q: I’d like to know more about the software, do you have any online resources to read?
A: We have a range of options available, either contact us directly, or visit our online resources available in the help & info section and our YouTube channel.

Q: How do I mark a sales invoice as paid?
A: Once you have been paid, you will need to visit the sales section, locate the invoice(s) you have been paid for and either click pay in full and enter the details, or click on the amount under the heading Money Received and enter the payment details.

Q: What if my customer hasn’t paid me in full for an invoice?
A: You can record a part payment on the sales section by clicking on the amount under Money Received and entering the amount you have been paid. You can also make notes about this payment or any conversation you’ve had with the customer. 

Q: I have previously raised invoices outside of LimeBooks, how do I keep track of these now?
A: Within the sales section, you can use the button “Add Sales Entry” to add a record for any sales invoices you have already raised, once you have these on your list, you can mark payments as being received as normal and also run reports to track the money outstanding.

Q: I have paid an invoice that has different VAT rates, how do I record this?
A: When recording the transaction in your cash/bank section, you will need to use the split button on the right-hand side of the transaction if using the process imports screen. Once you are on the split entry screen, you will then need to split out the transaction into the different elements.

Q: How do I reset my password?
A: Head to the log in page, click on the “Forgot password?” button, enter your email address and click on the reset password button. You will then receive instructions to your email address on how to complete the password reset.

Q: How do I change my log in email address?
A: Once you are logged in to LimeBooks, click on your account name next to the logout button, then click on Change Email, enter the new email address and confirm the change by following the email instructions on your new email account.

Q: The software has disconnected from HMRC for VAT, how do I reconnect?
A: Visit the HMRC Connect screen, then click on the button to log in and connect your HMRC MTD account.

Q: How do I delete a transaction?
A: Go to bank accounts and click on the transactions button, then locate the transaction you wish to delete. Please note, if a transaction is bank or VAT reconciled, you cannot delete this.

Q: Why can’t I delete a transaction?
A: This may be because you have either bank reconciled or VAT reconciled the transaction.

Q: What if my bank isn’t listed on the list of bank imports?
A: You can either use the default template shown on the bank import screen, or contact us at to request that we add your bank to the list.

Q: How do I create a log in for my client?
A: Go to the Agent screen, click “Add New Client” and enter their details. Once you have added the client details, click on the “Select a Client” button underneath the main task bar and find your client.

Q: I want to remove a client from my agent access account, how do I do this?
A: Head to the Agent section, manage clients, find the client you wish to remove, click the red cross and confirm removal.

Q: My client has forgotten their password, can I change this for them?
A: No, they will need to head to the log in page click on the “Forgot password?” button and follow the steps.

Q: Where do I record CIS deducted by a contractor?
A: When recording the transaction in your cash/bank section, you will need to use the split button on the right-hand side of the transaction, then record the gross sale as money in and also record the CIS deduction as money out.

Q: Where do I add a logo to my sales invoices?
A: If you head to the My Business section, at the top-right of the screen there is a section to upload your logo. Click, upload logo file, browse to the image you wish to upload and then press save changes. If your logo needs to be re-sized, please re-size outside of LimeBooks and re-save this to the My Business section.

Q: What do I do if I become VAT registered?
A: If you register for VAT while you are already using the software, you will simply need to go to the My Business section, click on Update VAT Details and enter your VAT information. Once you have entered this, you will need to visit the new HMRC Connect section now showing on your toolbar and connect to HMRC for MTD VAT. Please also ensure that you review your transactions in the software to update your VAT rates as applicable.

Q: What happens if I de-register from VAT?
A: If you de-register for VAT, once you have submitted your final VAT return (and any adjustments as applicable), you will need to head to the My Business Section, click Update VAT Details, and set the slider for VAT registration as No.

Q: I've entered my opening balances in the opening balance and the bank details, but the Trial Balance doesn't agree to the closing bank balance, why is this?
A: You need to enter your opening balances as the last day in the previous financial year, if you have entered these as the first day of the new financial year, LimeBooks will not account for any bank entries on that day, thus causing a discrepancy.

Q: Can I close a bank account?
A: Yes, click the drop-down arrow on the account you wish to close, click "Close Account" and the account will be minimised and moved to the bottom half of the screen, the transactions will remain, but the account is now closed.

Q: How do I produce a debtors report?
A: Head to reporting, sales report, choose the invoices outstanding report and select the date range you'd like to report on. This is assuming your sales section has been kept up to date.

Q: How do I produce a creditors report?
A: LimeBooks doesn't currently offer this facility, however you can enter your creditors movement in the journal section to bring the value into your trial balance.

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