Import LimeBooks Trial Balance straight into TaxCalc

Import your LimeBooks trial balance straight into TaxCalc

The first time you import your trial balance into Taxcalc you will need to import the LimeBooks Map into your taxcalc software.  Attached is the default map you need to import along with a step by step guide. If you have any issues please contact us at 

The steps are as follows:

1) Save the file "LimeBooks to TaxCalc Import Map.tbimport" and
your csv Trial Balance from LimeBooks to your computer storage.

2) Open TaxCalc, Accounts Production and access the client that
you wish to import the Trial Balance into TaxCalc for

3) Create/Open the financial year that you will be importing the Trial
Balance into.

4) Go to 'Posting'.

5) Click Import Trial Balance.

6) Select the import method as "Import via CSV file", click

7) Click Browse... Browse to your LimeBooks csv Trial Balance, select
the file and click open.

8) Select the option to 'Use an existing map', click continue.

9) Click 'Import Map', browse to find the file "LimeBooks to TaxCalc
Import Map.tbimport" as saved in step 1.

10)  You will see confirmation of import map being saved.

11) Click on "LIMEBOOKS Import MAP", click continue.

12) You will now see the codes and categories being imported in
the two left-hand columns and the codes that these will be
presented in on TaxCalc in the two right-hand columns.

13)  Check these codes are in the correct place and adjust if necessary.

14) Click continue, then click continue again, you will then see the
number of lines imported and the totals imported.

15) Click Finish, you've now imported your trial balance into TaxCalc
from LimeBooks.

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