The Sales Section Explained

The Sales Section Explained

Our sales section has been designed with simplicity in mind.

Too many times we've heard that matching sales invoices causes problems with the bookkeeping. Maybe the wrong invoice was matched, or a payment was created on the wrong date or maybe the payment just didnt exist.

The sales section in LimeBooks has been designed so the business owner can log in to LimeBooks, head straight to the sales section, raise invoices, email these to customers, raise credit notes, record payments and see which invoices are still outstanding for them to chase. They can do all of this without needing to enter and match any bank transactions, meaning the accountant/bookkeeper's work isn't impacted by anything that the business owner enters.

This means that our sales section works is slightly different to your typical sales ledger, as the sales section is independent of the bank section. 

What happens is that when marking a sales invoice/entry as paid, this will not create a transaction in the bank section, instead what this is doing is updating the sales reports available in the reporting section. The business owner and accountant/bookkeeper can then run reports in the sales section to view the following information for a chosen period:
  1. Sales invoices raised
  2. Credit notes raised
  3. Money received
  4. CIS Suffered
  5. Invoices Outstanding
For example, you could run the invoices outstanding report to see what the closing debtors are for a certain period based on the entries to the sales section.

On the Accountant/Bookkeeper's side, when entering the sales transactions into the bank, these can either be recorded as Trade Debtors, or Sales Received, ensuring that when recording the trade debtors movement in a journal that this is entered respective of where they've been posting sales receipts into the bank.
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